Snow & Landscaping Updates

Please read our latest snow removal guidelines before contacting the HOA.

The Latest Community Maintenance Updates are below:

Left side snow decoration
  • 02/13/2024

    Driveway and sidewalk clearing started at noon. The township requested that they start in the Chase as they had just completed plowing it. The sun is helping a bit to melt residual snow left on sidewalks & driveways.

  • 01/19/2024

    Update @ 3:00pm – Snow removal operations on driveways will start at 4pm beginning with Landon, then on to Langston and then the Chase. Afterwards the remaining streets in the Reserve will be completed. At the same time sidewalks will be cleared of snow. They will make every effort to clear snow on driveways that have parked cars but be aware they may have to skip if not enough room.

  • 01/16/2024

    Update @ 7am – Diamond started snow removal operations at 6am starting with the Reserve on Clayton. If they encounter any obstructions on driveways like parked cars your home may be skipped.

  • 1/15/2024

    Snow Update @ 10:30PM – The board has Diamond on standby in the event we get enough snow that requires their services. Reminder that we engage Diamond with 2″ or more snow however the board can get them engaged at our discretion. Diamond typically doesn’t start snow removal until the snow ends.

  • 12/11/2023

    Snow stakes have been placed to guide snow removal in case of a storm. Please make sure your holiday decorations and wiring are not in the path of snow removal equipment so as to prevent any damage to them. Thank you in advance and happy holidays.

  • 11/21/2023

    Brightview will apply the final turf treatment today and tomorrow. This is a fertilizer treatment which will be applied to the common areas today and homeowners properties tomorrow.

  • 10/30/2023

    Since the growing season is slowing down we will be skipping lawn cutting tomorrow, 10/31. In addition, we have 2 more landscaping events to end the season coming up…fall fertilization of the turf and the Fall Cleanup.

  • 10/16/2023

    Since we are in that time of year when overnight temps in the 40’s slows down grass growth we will skip cutting lawns tomorrow, October 17th.

  • 09/28/2023

    Due to the ground is still being soft from the rain we had the weekend & beginning of the week and the forecast for rain tonight & tomorrow we will postpone cutting until Monday.

  • 09/25/2023

    Due to the amount of rain we had over the weekend we will postpone cutting lawns until Friday to avoid doing damage to the turf with the equipment.

  • 09/12/2023

    Brightview will apply both a fertilizer & post emergent to the turf on Thursday & Friday this week.

  • 09/05/2023

    Due to the lack of rain and this heat wave we will postpone lawn cutting this week so we don’t further stress out the turf.

Image of various lawn maintenance tasks