Update on Annual Meeting

Dear Residents,

As communicated earlier this year, we have postponed Annual meeting for Malvern Hunt HOA due to the Governor’s “stay at home order” and concerns over COVID-19.

We also inquired with our HOA Attorney to explore the option of conducting an online meeting. As the linked correspondence from the attorney, our governing documents have no provisions to conduct online meetings. It could potentially exclude the home owners who are not equipped with the necessary hardware and/or knowledge to use online/virtual platforms for participating in the Annual meeting.

Hence, based on Attorney’s recommendation this year’s Annual Meeting was postponed until such time as the Association is able to conduct an in-person meeting of its Membership.

Although COVID-19 restrictions are slowly lifting for the time being, we continue to monitor coronavirus data related to our community and reaching out to the Attorney again to schedule Annual meeting very soon subject to legal clarification for a virtual meeting or availability of a meeting room to conduct in-person meeting.

It was a difficult decision for us to postpone the Annual meeting considering the Health and safety of our residents.

We will be in touch very soon with additional details for the Annual meeting. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. Stay safe and Stay Healthy!!


Malvern Hunt HOA Board

You can download the document here:  BOD Letter Regarding the Annual Meeting from April 24, 2020
