Fight Against COVID-19

Dear Residents –

The Malvern Hunt Board wishes you and your family the best during this time.

We are closely monitoring the guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control regarding the spread of the Corona virus. Based on current situation, we have closed Tot-lots and Tennis courts indefinitely until further notice.

We received many complaints from our fellow residents that playgrounds and tennis courts are still being used. Residents also pointed out that “social distancing” (maintaining a 6-feet distance from other people) – is not practiced.

By not following these simple rules in the current unprecedented times, you are risking yourselves and other residents lives.

It is incumbent upon residents to take this situation seriously and do their part to minimize the spread of this deadly disease. The association highly encourages you to review safety guidelines and look for updates from the CDC, the Chester County health department and Pennsylvania Department of Public Health.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Stay safe and healthy.


Kiran Jonnala

The President
Malvern Hunt HOA Board


Chester County Health Department

Pennsylvania Department of Public Health

CDC coronavirus