Malvern Hunt HOA Updates

The Chase and Optional Exterior Building Material

  1. The Board is waiting for the informational report from the independent expert on the Alternative Building Material for the homes in the Chase. The delay in receiving this report is due to the expert’s inability to make timely contact and receive input form all of the necessary contractors, realtors, and appraisers. This report is forthcoming within the week and will require time for the Board members to review it.
  2. With vacations and other responsibilities of the residents of the Chase, the Board has decided to wait until school is back in session to hold the community meeting. Waiting until September also allows us access to the high school for the meeting. We are looking at the second week in September to hold the meeting. As soon as the date is confirmed, it will be posted on the website.
  3. The Board thanks you for your patience, but it is essential for the Board to gather all of the necessary information to make an informed decision that will benefit all Chase homeowners.

Grass cutting

Due to the lack of rain and the hot weather, the grass cutting will be done on a 7-11 day cycle.

Thank you,

Malvern Hunt HOA Board
