Snow Removal Update – 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 25th

The HOA’s snow contractor continues their work throughout our neighborhood.  Here are some additional updates:

Do Not Approach the Snow Skidloaders and other Equipment
The contractor has informed Diamond Community Services that more than a few homeowners have ventured in the way of skidloaders while in motion, either from behind, in front, or from the sides. This is a SAFETY HAZARD. The contractor’s line of sight is focused on their snow removal task and they are concerned that inadvertent serious injury could occur.  Please do not approach the contractor while they are working.  Direct all snow removal questions and concerns to Diamond Community Services at 610-948-1155.

Township Restrictions on Snow Piles
East Whiteland Township restricts the HOA’s snow contractor from dumping driveway or other neighborhood snow on the road snow piles created by the Township’s plows.  This restriction forces the HOA’s snow contractor to find alternative sites to dump driveway snow and increases the time to complete their tasks.

Timing of Snow Removal
The HOA’s snow contract stipulates that snow in EXCESS of 12 inches in a 24 hour period falls outside of the normal guidelines that driveways and sidewalks be cleared within 24 hours of a storm ending.  The snow contractor continues their work to clear driveways, mailboxes, and other areas in a “reasonable amount of time” under the extraordinary circumstances from Saturday’s storm.  Once again, thanks for everyone’s patience during this time.

The community’s sidewalks currently contain anywhere from three to five feet of snow due to the severity of Saturday’s storm and the Township’s road plows piling on more.  At this juncture, the HOA has instructed the snow contractor to focus on clearing the sidewalk corners only to offer a standing area for school age children waiting for bus pick-up and drop-off.  The HOA will re-evaluate clearing the sidewalks as melting occurs.  Thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding.

Please contact Diamond Community Services at 610-948-1155 with any questions.
