Williams Pipeline Update

As many of you know, the Williams Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC, has been working on their site located on the backside of The Chase at Malvern Hunt. The work has been in progress for several weeks. At the August 5th Malvern Hunt HOA Board meeting, representatives from Williams were in attendance and provided the board with updated information about the site work. The current pipeline project will involve increasing the total station horsepower. FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approval is being sought for the project and once approved, the anticipated completion is for the 2017/2018 heating season. Williams indicated that during the past two winters, the station has not been operating at full capacity, so there has been no noticeable noise coming from the plant. When the project is completed and the station operating at its new, increased capacity, noise levels may increase. When the plant was in full operation several years ago, Williams added sound reduction equipment to lower the noise level. They will continue to monitor it once the plant again becomes fully operational.

If you have any questions about the project you may contact the Williams office on Bacton Hill Road at 610-644-7373.