Master Landscaping Plan Implementation Begins  

Implementation of the community’s master landscaping plan adopted by the Board from recommendations via the Architectural Review Committee will begin the week of August 11, 2014. Initial work will be performed on the masonry walls at the front and rear entrances. As summer moves into fall, the masonry and fencing construction will continue along with the removal of existing plants and trees from both entrances and along Swedesford Road that are currently growing directly under the power lines. The plan will follow into the new year and spring before it is fully completed.

All homeowners and visitors should stay clear of construction areas and signs throughout the process. We thank all residents for their cooperation and understanding as we undertake this expansive plan to establish proper trees and plantings that will provide color and texture for all seasons while beautifying our neighborhood for years to come.

If you have any questions, please contact Hershey’s Mill Management at 484-883-8373.